Monday, December 31, 2012


2012 was phenomenal. 2012 was a year of joy, laughter, triumphs, and love. Other than that, 2012 had its failures, mistakes, tears and cloudy days. It's these kind of days when God is saying that we need to learn from our mistakes. I wish I could rewind every single precious memory of this year. This year, I met great people and had great memories. I do have to say, this was the best year of my life. At one point of my life in 2012, I was happy. Truly happy. Euphoric, actually.

Quick analysis: Were you the same person you were this time last year? Think about it, some of your friends may have changed, your habits have changed and you yourself has changed. The thing is, things change, fast. So take the moment while you have it. If I could travel time, I would be a millionare if it costs a dime for every time I wanted to go back to the past. Someday, your pictures of you and your best friends will be old photographs by the bedside table, someday we would forget the secrets we fumbled over at school, someday these moments that are happening right now would be memories. Someday, this will all be a memory. Cheesy as it sounds, live this moment as if it's your last.

2012 taught me many things, that those who love us never really leave us. That if you lose, at least you lost trying, and appreciate everything in your life while it's here. 2012 showed me who my real friends are. Here are some moments of 2012 that I would cherish forever.
February 18,2012- The day I got to bond with my class. HUGHnited as one :)

February 9,2012- Enchanted Kingdom. Kilig to the bone marrow D:

March 16, 2012- Tribute.

March 23, 2012- Grade School Graduation. I graduated with a silver medal and a certificate of recognition for sports and journalism. I finally made it. It was a day of goodbyes and a day a hello of the new chapter in mt life. (P.S. please pardon my face)

October 24-25,2012- HS Intramurals. I had the honor of representing my batch as the batch muse and playing for the volleyball team. Even if I didn't win as best muse and placed forth for the volleyball competition, these two days were memorable indeed. I cried that night, not because of losing but because of the Seniors and how afraid I was to lose them. In the awarding ceremony, they were all holding hands. As I looked at them, I thought " I hope our batch would be this bonded". I learned many things during the Intramurals, but the main thing I learned was those who lose are the ones who never really try.
(Photo by the SC Council)

November 10, 2012- High School Dance: Imaginarium. It was a night of laughter, magic and friendship. The whole High School came together as one.
(Photo by Fully Focused)
December 29, 2012. I ended the year right by united with old friends :)

Other important dates:)

For the last time, thank you 2012. 

Saturday, December 29, 2012


After what seems to be like years, me and my friends Tala, Kitty, Bianca, Paula and I got together for a reunion. Friends like them are the friends I like to keep for the rest of my life. You see,  Tala moved to Japan and Paula moved to another school in Laguna. After our 3 year friendship, distance had to pull us apart. But did this let our friendship pull apart? No. Ironic, isn't it? The further away we were from each other, the closer we became.

I started the day with a road trip with Kitty. Then we waited for Tala and Paula at ATC. Afterwards, we went to our house in Ayala Alabang to play dare and swim. We ended the day with a photo shoot and a burger feast.

Yesterday, we went by my uncle's house in Alabang to celebrate our reunion. (His house is ah-mazing). These are some highlights of our day.

Started the day off with a road trip with Kitty!!

Meet THE macho best friend, Paula.

Meet my two best friends in the entire world, Tala and Paula :)

(L-R) Paula, Bianca, Kitty & Tala

*fail group shots are what we do best*

Friday, December 14, 2012



This is what I'm feeling at this exact moment. I see couples everywhere, the couples that write each other letters everyday ( you know who you guys are), couples that hold hands while they walk, couples that are like Cosmo&Wanda,  couples that give each other goodnight and good morning texts, couples that spend almost every minute of everyday with each other. I see couples with their perfect love story and their perfect happy ending.

Us? There's not even an us. Nothing. Just a girl with this big crush on somebody she has no chance with.
The thing is, I am deeply infatuated and am (possibly)  in love with you. But maybe we have no perfect happy ending or perfect love story, there was probably no "once upon a time" for us either.

You're left handed and I'm right handed, we can do our homework while holding hands.
We can watch The Art of Getting By while listening to our favorite bands,
We can write songs together.
You're socially unacceptable, and  I'm socially unacceptable.
We can be socially unacceptable together.
Now that, would be something.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

You never know

To the friends at distance,

I miss you all.
I miss our late night talks.
I miss seeing every one of you every single day.
I miss our circles.
I miss our truth or dares.
I miss doing ridiculous things with other people around.
I miss our fandoms.
I miss our "high" days.
I miss our Friday afternoon hangouts.
I miss our music jams.
I miss our dance dares.
I miss our fail skype conversations.
I miss playing childhood games in the middle of the classroom.
I miss us.

To the person who gave me so much to remember,

I miss who you were and what we used to have.
I miss that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling.
I miss our nicknames.
I miss holding hands.
I miss your back hugs.
I miss your laugh.
I miss our late night texts.
I miss our hour long conversations.
I miss you calling my name.
I miss you sharing food with me.
I miss your surprises.
I miss the those days.
I miss the words you used to say.
I miss you.

I wanted you all to stay, but distance just had to pull us away. We might never meet again. Sad, isn't it?

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I'm not perfect, okay. I'm not even close.
You're not perfect either, you're probably farther than I am.

Don't expect me to meet those expectations, I'm only human.
Stop making me remember.
Stop giving me your pity.
Stop rubbing it in my face.
Stop bringing me down.
Stop being such a pain in the ass with that big ass of yours.

Self, stop hating life. Self, please move on.

I probably shouldn't care, but I do.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Night to Remember: Imaginarium

These people (and many more) made my night. Thank you!!

Meet one of my best friends :) Favorite shot



Food trip! My friends and I bought food from Sophie's Mom and NYFD for dinner. Rainbow cupcakes are loved.

Jeny and Kar

"Emo moment"

Just had to take a picture of this!! That moment where we all felt infinite. We were dancing to the lyrics " Tonight's gonna be a good good night" and yes it was. I just had to capture this one moment, where we were all happy, because this moment will soon become a memory.

Excuse the faces. Mind the cool flying apple pie.

  • Today in bullets:
  •  Foodtrip!! Sophie's Mom+NYFD+Mcdo+Kenny Rogers
  • To the 4 males who actually made contact with me : HAHAHAHA REALLY FUNNY -_-
  • Congga + Dougie + Gangnam + The Wave + Bahay Kubo + Body Rock= Awesome dancefloor.
  • Intense dance floor is intense
  • "How to fit 12 people in a photobooth"
  • To the person who smiled at me and made my night at the last minute, thank you. :)
  • This was my first high school dance. I actually felt "euphoric" today. I arrived at school and the first thing I heard was my friends shouting my name, it seemed like they were happy to see me. That was one of the best feelings in  the world.This one night, I was surrounded with people who made me happy, and I felt like I was on top of the world.This one night, the whole of high school became as one and just became happy.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Things that make me happy

Ferris Wheels and Amusement Parks- Brings back a lot of memories.  I love that feeling of always getting excited to go on a ride no matter how many times you've ridden it before. It feels like you're on top of the world, like you're a kid again. Amusement parks make the best playground.

Sunny Days- When I was younger, me and my family would go on car rides every weekend and listen to Norah Jones songs as I would open the window and I say hello to mr. sun. I don't know why but, whenever it's sunny, I just feel that little sense of euphoria.

Norah Jones. I mean, come on. Her voice is like a heavenly eargasm. Not just her, actually. Artists and bands like Coldplay, Ron Pope, Arctic Monkeys, The Script, Weezer and Maroon 5 are also part of my sunny day playlist.

Oversized sweatshirts and hoodies. I mean, it's like wearing your pillow

Ice Cream. Heaven in your mouth. 'Nuff said.

Lastly, my friends. We're not even complete in this picture. For a time in my life, these people and some more great friends made me happy. No drama, sadness no nothing, just happiness. I remember the time when we used to speak pirate, the time when we would always form a circle, the time when we sang High School Musical songs all day, the list goes on. I mean, friends would always be there to make you happy when skies are gray it's just your job to find the right people who do. I'm glad I found mine.

Just a small list of my happy pills. :-)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sad Distance

The sad truth. A picture of my daily life during Sembreak.

Here I am, far away from my very precious fridge. We're steps away and I must find a way to get to you.
*come hither* I hear it whispering to me.

Here we have the difference of expectations to reality.
Sembreak Expectations : Having adventures
Sembreak Reality : Staying at home babysitting my cousins.

Great life, eh?


Finally. They have a word for it. There are some changes in my life that I really need to accept, but I can't. High School has really started to kick in, all the feels and everything. I was not used to failing. I was used to doing everything fine. But now, it's like everything I do, I expect a YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.

People change. You think  your friends are your friends forever. Turns out, forever was just a word to make you feel special. There might be no such thing. People can change in a matter of time that they weren't the person they used to be. The person of the past has become a stranger. Admit it, the you a year ago was completely different.

I guess, life has this way of telling you that you don't always get what you want. Once you say "wow my life is finally starting to take place", life says "hmm we can't have that, can't we?". It's just a way of life. Life's saying that better things are ahead of us, we just have to face every challenge. Like a story, a story's boring without a climax. The character faces the climax until they have a happy ending. Except for us, there is no definite happy ending. Until -the end. We must accept the natural state of life